
A few academic resources I’ve compiled over the years.

CME Series Course Notes

Below are notes and resources for the CME series that I’ve compiled over the years I’ve TAed these courses. These were originally designed to correspond with Prof. Hung Le’s courses, but the material and problems are applicable to any iteration of the Stanford CME series (and hopefully useful for students in engineering math courses at other schools).

ACE Program Information

The Additional Calculus for Engineers (ACE) Program is a supplementary instruction program run through the Stanford Engineering Diversity Programs. I have had the privilege of being involved with ACE and other EDP initiatives since my junior year of undergrad: from winter 2015 to winter 2018, I worked as a course assistant and tutor, and during the 2018-2019 school year I was the ACE Program Coordinator.

I’ve noticed that students consistently have similar questions regarding the ACE program every quarter, so I have tried to answer several FAQs for students.

  • ACE FAQs (possibly a bit outdated but hopefully still useful)

Fellowships and Scholarships

I have compiled a list of fellowships and scholarships (mainly for graduate students). Some of the most helpful resources I came across when applying for graduate schools and fellowships were lists such as this; here, I’ve tried to compile several of the most helpful ones into a single place.